Explore the research that shows pet-inclusive policies benefit everyone.


Resources For Housing Providers

We have research, resources, and actionable tools to help housing providers take advantage of creating pet-inclusive opportunities in ways that benefit everyone.

Pet-Inclusive Fundamentals

Making the Case for Pet-Inclusive Policies

Bringing Pet-Inclusive to Life

Pet-Inclusive Scorecard

Is your rental housing property truly pet-inclusive, or is it just pet-friendly? The team at Michelson Found Animals’ Pet-Inclusive Housing Initiative developed an easy-to-use scorecard to help you answer that question.

Download Your Copy of the
Pet-Inclusive Housing Report Today!

I have example after example of renters who visited one of our comp properties, then ended up renting from us because we were the one who would accept their pet. Not only have we realized the growth of a happier, longer-tenured renter pool and enjoyed increased revenue, we’ve created a greater sense of community at our properties and helped people and pets stay together. That’s a win-win no matter how you slice it.

Jamin Harkness

EVP, The Management Group (TMG)

From Our Blog

Read the latest news, trends, and tips in building more pet-inclusive communities.

Breaking News: Dogs Have No Idea They Weigh Over 25 Pounds!

Breaking News: Dogs Have No Idea They Weigh Over 25 Pounds!

By Judy Bellack, Industry Principal, The Pet-Inclusive Housing Initiative If you’ve ever watched a Great Dane cuddle into a ball small enough to fit on a child’s bean bag chair, you’ve witnessed the undeniable truth: dogs have no idea how big they are. Unfortunately,...